A couple of weeks ago, DMS (Darling Middle Son) directed my attention to a freeze frame on the DVR from an old episode of Entourage and requested that I knit him Vince's hat. Now, it must be noted that knitting commissions from my family are few and far between, and generally of the entirely unreasonable variety (recently example from DD: "Mom, I need you to knit me a pair of full-length overalls for Jacquie's bar mitzvah party. Oh...it's this weekend. And do you have any cashmere?"). Anyway, the proposed hat pictured above seemed perfectly do-able, so knit it I did ("it's crochet," you say? Hush, dear reader, DMS knows not the difference). Pattern of sorts follows (if you're not into Entourage, it will make a basic beanie adaptable to all sorts of striping or no striping at all):
Entourage Hat
Materials: Worsted weight yarn in 3 colors; approx. 1 50g. ball of color A (blue), lesser amounts of colors B (white) and C (black). I used antique stash yarn: 1 ball of Filatura Di Crosa Primo Antartic Wool Superwash for the blue, plus Woolease for the white and black.
Needles: 16" size 7 circular needle, plus an additional size 7 circular or a set of double-points for the decreases.
Gauge: It's a hat. It'll fit somebody. This pattern will yield a one-size-fits-most-adolescents-and-adults.
On circular needle, cast on 72 sts. in Color B (white). Place marker and join, being careful not to do the twist. Knit 1" of K2, P2 rib (approx. 5 rounds). On next round, increase evenly 12 stitches (K6, M1 around--I use a simple over the thumb loop increase here) for a total of 84 sts.
Change to Color C (black). Knit an inch of stockinette (knit every round for approx. 5 rounds).
Change to Color A (blue). Knit every round until hat measures 6" from beginning (approx. 25 rounds of Color A).
Begin decreases, knitting every other round plain:
Round 1: *K10, K2tog* around (77 sts.)
Round 2: K around
Round 3: *K9, K2tog* around (70 sts.)
Round 4: K around
Round 5: *K8, K2tog* around (63 sts.)
Round 5: *K8, K2tog* around (63 sts.)
Round 6: K around
Round 7: *K7, K2tog* around (56 sts.)
Round 7: *K7, K2tog* around (56 sts.)
Round 8: K around. At this point, your stitches will start straining on the needle so you'll want to divide them evenly onto double points or, my preference, 2 circular needles (thanks, KnittingHelp.com. Knit on, decreasing every round from this point on.
Round 9: *K6, K2tog* around (49 sts.)
Round 10: *K5, K2tog* around (42 sts.)
Round 11: *K4, K2tog* around (35 sts.)
Round 12: *K3, K2tog* around (28 sts.)
Round 13: *K2, K2tog* around (21 sts.)
Round 14: *K1, K2tog* around (14 sts.)
Round 15: K2tog around (7 sts.)
Cut yarn, thread through yarn needle and gather remaining stitches. Weave in ends, and wear proudly while rollin' with your homies.
Eat your heart out, Adrien Grenier.
What a great mom you are! He certainly seems content in his new "famous" beanie!!! Cashmere Overalls? Yikes!
Thanks, Diana; I am a great mom, aren't I. Content he is--at least for now. And the thing about unreasonable requests like the "cashmere overall" thing is that they're easily ignored.
*Very* nice!! Although I must say, I'm kinda liking the crochet version, too. Might just have to dust off the ol' hook and try to fiddle one out....
And, are you going to FIT? I'm seriously considering going to help represent but am slightly afraid of being drowned in the mad sea of knitters that's sure to show up.... *g*
Thanks, Splindy. I'm pretty sure I'm going to FIT; since it's right here I'd feel pretty lame if I didn't. Let me know if you decide to go so we can meet up and hover on the edges of the mad sea.
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