Ravelry is launching an in-house, off-season version of the Knitting Olympics, originated during the 2006 Winter Games by the ever-popular Yarn Harlot. Although I came up lame in my last attempt at knitting as fast as I can, this time I'm casting on with Team Mine!, sponsored by a Ravelry Forum group I can really get behind: Selfish Knitters (plus, it's the best. badge. ever.).
I'll be slogging my way through the lovely Diamonds and Pearl Shawl from the lovely Clara Parkes' lovely Knitter's Book of Yarn, using a lovely skein of Blue Heron Rayon Metallic that followed me home from the lovely Knitty City last Friday (and that I selfishly blew a good portion of the kids' tuition on). There's a Ravelympics Team for everybody, or it's OK to have no Team at all. Basically, the only rules are pick a project that's challenging, cast on when the flame is lit; cast off before they put it out. Details here (if you're not on Ravelry...sign up, already).