I can't help it if I show it. So, Jessie sponsored a
contest on her blog: two skeins of gorgeous handpainted sock yarn for a
Haiku, and
I WON!! Nothing like a prize to boost a girl's ego. You can read my winning entry
here, and while you're at it, visit
Jessie's website and check out her stuff--it is lush. My yarn arrived a couple of days ago and photos don't do it justice--it positively glows in the skein. Part of the deal is I have to test it out for her so I'm going to try to get a pair of socks on the needles this weekend, although I'll probably only get part of a cuff done before I have to plunge into the
Knitting Olympics. I was secretly hoping that Stephanie wouldn't get around to entering me, but there I am on the list committed to a
sweater in 16 days. Yeah, right...but maybe a sleeve will get me the bronze. I have a gift certificate to the Mean Girls Yarn Shoppe (you know who you are), so I'm headed out this week to get the goods. I haven't joined an official team yet--I have a hard time getting behind all the USA rah rah flag stuff--but if anyone has come up with a
TEAM NYC button I'm so there. In F.O. news, the Christmas Rose bag is blocking over an ice bucket and salad plate as we speak. A couple of miles of i-cord to go and I can stick a fork in it and call it the first finished object of 2006. Photo to follow. Speaking of photos, R.I.P. Coretta Scott King: