My warshrag and I went to a screening of Dreamgirls last night...wow. Fabulous fluffy stuff, the perfect antidote to the dreary film I saw earlier in the week. It's interesting, because both films are homages of sorts--Dreamgirls harkening back to the behind-the-scenes Hollywood musical potboiler. But while Bill Condon opens the story up for the screen, he remains remarkably true to the original Broadway production--his use of stage lighting on film is fantastic. The audience was incredibly energized, applauding and whooping throughout...it's that kind of movie, a real Event. I also loved that they gave us programs on the way in, kind of like going to see West Side Story on its first run, when Big Movies still had intermissions. Plus, who knew my Mason-Dixon Ballband Dishcloth would be color-coordinated? When this movie officially opens around Christmas, run (or at least sashay) to see it.