Saturday, April 16, 2005

Forbes Forest in Progress and Tips

Posted by Hello Here's the first few inches of the Forbes Forest Scarf from Scarf Style. There is actually a Knit-along for the projects in this book, but I'm ashamed to join because my progress is so slow, I fear there might not be an internet by the time I finish. This is definitely a "shut up, I'm counting" project, a nice change from the relatively mindless knitting I've slipped into. I had a false start after blithely plunging in and realized I needed to get organized. I blew up the chart on a copy machine, cut it in manageable segments and pasted them into a flip-top book of index cards. Then, I got some color pencils and coded the glossary and chart accordingly: green for knit stitches, pink for purls, red for right slanting cables, purple for left, etc. The bobbles weren't...bobbling, but the ever-helpful Knitters Review pointed me here and now they're perky and pleasing. As usual, I'm creeping along (for those of you anxiously awaiting Sam's sweater--keep waiting), but I'm enjoying the challenge, and the feel of the yarn--a bouncy merino two ply from Morehouse.